Sistem automatizare ferestre, KATO 305 RWA

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1,014.00 Lei
(1,206.66 Lei Pret cu TVA)
Discount de cantitate:
Cantitate 2+ 3+
Pret fara TVA 963.30 Lei 912.60 Lei

Sistem automatizare ferestre si trape de fum KATO 305 RWA

Sistemele de automatizare Kato 305 RWA sunt actuatoare electrice liniare cu lant articulat si carcasa de aluminiu turnat pentru deschiderea ferestrelor si trapelor de fum. Actuatoarele pentru desfumare KATO 305 RWA au motoare puternice alimentate la 24Vcc sau 230Vca si dezvolta o forta de 300N.

Motoarele pentru desfumare Kato 305RWA permit trei trepte de deschidere, functie de Soft Stop and Relax si pot fi conectate in paralel pentru actionarea deschiderilor de dimensiuni mari sau asigurarea unei bune etanseitati pe lungimi mari de deschidere.

Disponibil in doua nuante: alb si negru.

Certificari KATO 305 RWA

EN 12101-2:2003-09

Classification of B 300 with certificate No. 13-000921 at the IFT testing institute of Rosenheim in year 2013

Aplicatii: automatizare ferestre pt evacuare fum si caldura

Specificatii tehnice KATO 305 RWA:

Push and pull force 300 N 300 N
Strokes 200, 300, 500 mm 200, 300, 500 mm
“Syncro” Synchronization NO NO
Power supply voltage 110 ÷ 230 VAC 50/60 Hz 24V = (DC)
Current absorbed at nominal load 0,160 A 0,910 A
Power absorbed at nominal load ~36 W ~20 W
No-load speed 7,2 mm/s 8,9 mm/s
No-load stroke time (500mm) 70 s 56 s
Double electrical insulation YES L.V.
Service type S2 of 3 min S2 of 3 min
Operating temperature -5°C ÷ +65°C -5°C ÷ +65°C
Degree of protection for electrical devices IP32 IP32
Soft stop YES YES
Relax function YES YES
Frame rebated overlap self-learning Position self-determination Position self-determination
Connection in parallel YES (max 30 actuators) YES (max 30 actuators)
Power supply cable length 2 m 2 m
Opening stroke-end setting Electronic dip-switch setting Electronic dip-switch setting
Closing stroke-end setting At absorption of power At absorption of power
Protection on overload At absorption of power At absorption of power
Dimensions 456 x 60 x 43 mm 456 x 60 x 43 mm
Weight 1,43 Kg 1,43 Kg

Producator NEKOS Italia.

La comanda

Manual KATO 305 RWA (fisa_kato305-RWA.pdf, 564 Kb) [Download]

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